Friday, May 21, 2010

Kitchen and Bath Tour

The neighborhood remodeled kitchen and bath tour went GREAT this past Saturday! We had five homes on the tour and had a good turn-out of from 4-15 families/groups visiting each house.

We started out with the host home-owners gathering before the 1 p.m. tour started. We met at one of the homes and talked about the kitchen re-model -- material selection, color choices, timeline, and Q&A time. We then went to each additional house in series. Lots of variety hickory, oak, enameled, maple and cherry cabinetry -both custom and modular (i.e., what you can get from the big box stores) and a variety of countertops, flooring, wall-removal or partial wall-removal, ...

We also had nice visits with each other and also with the visitors on the tour. I heard from all the other participants that it was a nice, relaxed event and a great way to meet some of our neighbors. We're all excited for up-coming tours!

Coming up:
July 8-10 – Park Reserve Neighbors neighborhood garage sale
- I'll provide signs at the entrances to the neighborhood and will also publicize the event in the Press and other places (Channel 12?, Caribou, other suggestions?...)
September 25 1-4 p.m. – Park Reserve Neighbors remodeled home, home addition tour

Next blog posts: (based on suggestions during the tour)
- disc golf in the Park Reserve
- Emerald Ash Borer

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