Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zachary Square Updates

With an increase in the number and frequency of vandalism and thefts at local park and ride lots, the city of Maple Grove just approved the budget to install security cameras at the Zachary Square park and ride lot.

From the 5/7/2012 council meeting minutes: Motion to authorize Mayor and City Administrator to accept proposal from Pro-Tec Design for a security camera system for the Zachary Park-and-Ride lot for a price not to exceed $34,166.

As you may be aware, the Parnassus Preparatory School opened in August 2011 in Zachary Square. Due to much higher than expected enrollment rates, the school is already working with the city to allow an expansion of 13,000 square feet, an increase in the occupancy from 10 years to 15 years and a relocation of the playground.

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