Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Property Tax Info and Appeals

Second half property taxes are just around the corner and with them, so is your Truth in Taxation statements.

Truth in Taxation gives you a run-down of where your property tax dollars are being spent and gives you an opportunity tomake your voice heard if you don't agree with how the government is spending your property taxes.

Arguing How Tax $$$ are Spent
On your truth in Taxation statement, you'll be given a date/time and a place to attend a meeting to make your voice heard on how your taxes are spent. Don't miss this chance. Look over your statement which you'll receive in the beginning of November and attend one of the meetings if you don't agree with anything you see.

Homestead Taxes
You may notice a change on your statement with homestead taxes. As you know, we get a reduction in our property taxes of up to $400 when we file homestead (our primary residence). In the past, the state has re-imbursed the cities for the tax credit. However, for the past several years, the state has not re-imbursed the cities for this tax credit. So... the cities are now calling this a Market Value Exclusion or a Homestead Market Value Exclusion. Tax-wise the impact on our property taxes will be the same. Where the difference lies is many non-homestead property taxes will go up to pay for this tax reduction we are getting.

Property Tax Appeals
In the spring (March?), you will receive a notice in the mail of your proposed 2013 property taxes. With this notice, you will also receive instructions on how to appeal your property taxes if you feel they are incorrect.

For more info, you can go to Maple Grove's website or you can call Hennepin County at 612-348-3011.

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