Monday, April 18, 2011

Wild Bill's Proposed Changes (Arbor Lakes)

Although open just a short time, Wild Bill's Sports Saloon is already proposing an expansion, a good sign for this site that has seen it's share of businesses come and go in just a few years.

Wild Bill's is proposing expanding the existing outdoor
patio/dining area and to construct an outdoor bar building with an outdoor fireplace, remote control gas heaters and seven outdoor televisions (four TVs inside the bar structure, two on the exterior and one on the chimney of the fireplace).
Additionally, there will be a sound system with multiple speakers placed
around the perimeter of the patio.
The Maple Grove Planning Commission gave preliminary approval to Wild Bill's proposed expansion at its March 14th meeting.

For the full City Planning Commission minutes from the March 14 meeting, click the link.

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