Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring Tips

  • Clean the kitchen exhaust hood and air filter

  • Check your sump pump

  • - ensure the pump is plugged in and the discharge connections tight and free of ice.
    - pour water into the sump until the pump turns on and pumps the water from the sump
  • Check your water heater

  • - drain water from the shut-off spigot at the bottom of the water heater to remove any sediment and wear products from the water heater
  • Check plumbing fixture shutoff valves

  • - use caution when turning these valves-if any do not want to turn without excessive force, it may be a better idea to have a plumber repair or replace them.
  • Vacuum dryer vent & under/around clothes dryer

  • - clean the ductwork and as much lint from around the dryer as possible to prevent fires
  • Ensure your kitchen fire extinguisher is charged -- if you don't have one, get one!

  • Review fire escape and severe weather plans

  • Ensure flashlights and radios have fresh batteries

  • Protect your electronics with surge protectors

  • Service your air conditioner - outside temperature must be 60 degrees or higher to prevent damage to the a/c from lack of lubrication

  • Check for damage to your roof

  • Check caulk around windows and doors

  • Check house fascia & trim for deterioration

  • Clean gutters and down-spouts

  • Replace smoke alarms every 10 yrs

  • Replace carbon monoxide (CO) alarms every 5 yrs

  • Replace the batteries in smoke & CO alarms

  • Inspect & clean dust from smoke & CO alarms

  • Check your insurance for sewer & drain back-up - insurance may cover problems with water from within (i.e., overflowing tubs) but without an additional rider, may not cover damage caused from water from without (i.e., ground water or sewer/drain back-ups)

  • Check your insurance for home value*/replacement cost

  • - Do you have enough or not enough coverage to rebuild or repair your home in the event of catastrophe? I can provide a market analysis in-person or via e-mail to give you an idea of your home's market value.
    * Steve can help with this

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