We had around a dozen homes with garage sales in our 1st annual neighborhood garage sale this past week and most people I spoke with brought in around $200 and some $1000. Not bad for re-purposed excess stuff!
I'll be organizing another sale next year around the same time so plan ahead and save your stuff. Next year, I'll ask for addresses of those that are participating and put a list on the website.

Park Reserve Eats -- my daughters have begun to find ripe rasberries in the park reserve. Last year, there were lots of them all along the bike trail from the beach all the way to the tubing area. Nothing like picking and eating fresh rasberries in the summer! There are also good wild plums along the path towards the drive down to the swimming beach. Look on the right in the 200 yards before you turn down the hill from the bike path -- we picked lots of those last year too, small and sweet.
Enjoy the summer and the park -- what a gem we have in our neighborhood!
I'd like to showcase neighborhood businesses on this website.
Drop me a line with Blog suggestions, questions, ...