Monday, February 15, 2010

Road Construction (610 and 169)

169 (Devil's Triangle)
Due to be completed in fall 2011
Much work has already been done on southbound Hwy 169, County Road 81 and the north half of 85th Ave. Current construction this spring/summer will focus on 169 with 169 traffic switching to the new lanes of southbound Hwy 169 so work can begin on northbound Hwy 169.
Also, continued construction of the south half of 85th Ave and continuation of bridge and retaining walls with 85th Ave east and westbound lanes fully open by Fall of 2010.

Due to be completed June 2011
Current schedule: (note the Zachary Lane road closure)
Noisewalls: Fall 2009 and March – August 2010
Pedestrian Bridge (Nathan Lane): Fall 2009 – June 2010
Hemlock Lane: Fall 2009 – June 2010. Road will be closed
Revere Lane: Fall 2009 – June 2010. Road will be closed
Sanitary Sewer: Fall 2009 – August 2010
Zachary Lane: April 2010 – June 2011. Road will be closed
Jefferson Hwy: June 2010 - September 2010
Hwy169: May 2010 – November 2010

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